Fellow Seniors, Greetings!
1. At this meeting, I shall show videos on BrainPort, a device that can help the visually impaired.
2. Some people have been having trouble joining our Virtual meetings. Please make sure that you use the correct meeting information while trying to join. Although the meeting information mostly remains same, but some time there is a change, so please use the link in the latest notice of the meeting.
Also, some times the notice of the meeting may end up in your 'spam' folder, so please look up there if any week you don't happen to receive it.
3. Joining the Virtual Meetings:
As you may be aware that there are two virtual meetings a week available for ICCC seniors; one is on Thursdays hosted by me, and the other on Fridays, which Sudesh Kanda hosts. You may attend one or both the meetings.
If you have not downloaded Zoom Meeting, then please do so well in advance of the meeting. Five minutes prior to the start of the meeting, open Zoom and join by providing meeting ID and password or by using the respective links. Please note that if for some reason the meeting ends unexpectedly, login again using the link provided.
Thursday Meeting:
Click on the link to join the meeting, or if requested provide the ID and the password. The meeting will start at 2 PM and last about 2 hours.
Friday Meeting:
To join this meeting use the link. It starts at 10 AM and lasts for 2 hours.
4. Meeting, Last Thursday: Sept. 17, 2020
About 15 people joined for this meeting, and we enjoyed songs and jokes by various members. Amrit made a very interesting presentation about how the health of the micro biomes in the intestine can affect various biological function in the body, and what can be done to improve it.
5. Meeting, This Thursday: Sept. 24, 2020
This will be our usual meeting with songs and poetry recital etc. Invariably, there will be some questions and discussion about how coronavirus could affect our lives in the months, and perhaps years, to come.
Around 3 PM, I shall show short videos on how BrainPort can help the visually impaired.
Please let me know well in advance, if you would like to make a presentation on some topic of common interest.
6. Useful Links:
1. Here is a video of good practices, sent by Vinni, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
https://www.facebook.com/virendra.sahni ... 2214246930
2. Hatha yoga by Premji and Veena: Join on Google Meet, Sundays at 8 AM; Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 6 PM; and Fridays at 8 AM and also at 6 PM. Please join at least 5 minutes early.
3. Pranayam by Girija, join on 'Webex', Wednesdays and Fridays: 8 - 9:30 AM, and Saturdays and Sundays 9 - 10:30 AM, (no password is required). Here is a link.
Cisco Webex Meetings: https://dhyaanwithgirija.my.webex.com/join/girijaw
See you on Thursday.
2020-09-24 Orleans Seniors Group Virtual Meeting
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