A warm welcome to all new members. Every member has a unique quality that adds to our ICCC Seniors Community, and we all benefit from each other.
As our kitchen is still under renovation our plans for Pot-Luck lunch remains on hold. So, till the kitchen is ready please bring your own lunch, cup for tea, and own utensils.
ICCC Seniors Annual Picnic.....Registration is now closed.
Weekly Program- Friday 19th July 2019
11:00-12:00......Yoga, by Girija Waghray
13:00-14:45......Socializing, Information Sharing, Interactive Brain Games.
14:45-1500......Clear-up and tidy-up with everyone's help
Please Note: Before we leave at 15:00 hrs. we have to make sure we leave the rooms clean and least, as tidy as we find them. Participants in each room are responsible for any mess in the room that they are in, and should ensure that the room is clean and tidy before leaving.
May you all be blessed with the opportunity to serve and experience the Joy that Kahlil writes of.A Quote: “I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.”– Kahlil Gibran
I Look forward to seeing you all this Friday. Stay engaged in some social and physical activities for quality of life and healthy aging. Practice Yoga daily for Flexibility, for Strength, and for Tranquility.
Warm Regards
Sudesh Kanda
Co-ordinator ICCC Seniors
Tanglewood Park Community Centre
30 Woodfield Drive. Nepean
K2G 3Y5