The A-Lists: Indo-Canadians and Friends of India by Ajit Jain
The A-List, an annual publication is an initiative of The Indian Diaspora to publicly recognize and chronicle Indian achievers in their countries of adoption. ‘The A-List’ will be a series that will profile key and influential members of the Diaspora in different countries, people who have emerged at the top of their professions or vocations and make significant and widely acknowledged contributions to not only their adopted country but to India as well.
‘The A-List: Indo-Canadians and Friends of India’ is the first publication of the series that we are launching in Canada. In these pages we profile 41 prominent Canadians of Indian origin and seven more Canadians who are designated as true Friends of India. They are all mentors, eminent and successful people among persons of Indian origin in Canada, widely called Indo-Canadians. A mentor is defined as a “wise and trusted person whom others could follow”. And an eminent person “is towering, or the one who stands out above others, a prominent person of high quality, like an eminent and distinguished scientist.”
Of the 1.2 million Indo-Canadians, several have made their presence eminently felt in fields as diverse as business, industry, real estate development, architecture, hotel management and ownership, politics, medical science, pure science, academics, broadcasting and journalism. They have impacted Canadian society, and continue to impact it in a positive and creative manner. They are the bridge-builders between India and Canada. By virtue of their leadership in their respective fields of endeavor in Canadian society, they have raised the profile of other Indo-Canadians to greater heights.
The A-List 2016 was launched at Carleton University in Ottawa on Feb. 4, 2016.
About Ajit Jain - Author of The A-Lists
An author and journalist, Ajit Jain has worked for 28 years (April 1985 - February 2013) as managing editor of India Abroad.
Weekly columnist for the Toronto Sun 2006-2008 3. He has written occasional reports for the Globe and Mail.
Currently Canada-Editor, The Indian Diaspora (March 2014 - today).
Author/Editor of the following books :
1. Marx and Marxism - co-editor with Prof. Matjeko (Sociology, University of Alberta (published by Praeger, 1984
2. A Critique of Marxist and Non-Marxist Thought, co-editor (Praeger, 19876)
3.Rights and Privileges: Fifty Years of India's Constitution, coeditor of with Prof. N.K. Wagle, of the University of Toronto (University of Toronto Press, 2002)
4. Violence against Women: All Pervading, 2014, editor
Ajit Jain's 30-minute interview on Doordarshan:
Ajit Jain - The A-Lists - Recognizing Indo-Canadian Excellence
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